Guide - How to create a signature in Adobe

Issue/Environment/User Group

The user requests to create a new adobe signature.


Step 1:  You may either click on the appropriate signature box, tagged with a red flag, in the report form or select Sign from the upper right toolbar. 


After selecting Fill & Sign; select Place Signature (choice is shown below then hit Next):


One the next window, select the option "A new digital ID I want to create now" and then select next.


To use a password each time you sign a document, select New PKCS#12 digital ID file as the choice is shown below. Then click next,
 The following box will appear on your screen.  Complete the information to identify yourself in the signature box which will appear on signed documents, then select Next.
The next window will ask for a password to save the ID under. Please remember this password as it will be required again in the future to sign documents. If the password is lost, you will new to create a new signature. 

The following box appears requiring your password.  Enter your password in the Password box and click Sign.  You will be required to save the document.  Save the document in your computer files as you save any other document.

Your new digital signature will appear on the document with a date and time stamp.

To verify that a signature is valid, click on the signature in a pdf document and the following screen will appear

Once your signature has been created, you can electronically sign any Adobe PDF document.  Just click Fill and sign in the upper right-hand corner (or in older versions of Adobe, choose Advanced > Sign & Certify and then select Approval), then click place signature, and place your signature anywhere in the document. 

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