FAQ - How to Access the Writing Center


  • Trying to access the Writing Center


  • Writing Center

User Role

  • Faculty/Staff/Student



Here is some generalized info for the Writing Center.


The first time visiting the schedule, you will have to register an account for the WCONLINE schedule. If you have any questions, you can find detailed instructions on the MyUSA portal: https://my.usa.edu/ICS/Student_Services/Writing_Center/Welcome!.jnz.


Appointments with Writing Coaches can be made on our online schedule: http://usa.mywconline.net.


To schedule an appointment (after you have registered), just click on one of the open sessions (they appear white on the schedule). You are welcome to sign up for a live session (where you meet with your instructor via RingCentral or Skype for Business at the time you selected), or an asynchronous session (for which you submit your paper, and within 24 hours of your appointment you will receive recorded feedback from a writing coach who has reviewed the document). After you've made the appointment, you will be prompted to upload your document (feel free to submit the paper in whatever stage of writing you like).


Copied below is contact info for the Writing Center below for further assistance.


To Contact the Writing Center

Please email the Writing Center at WritingCenter@usa.edu. The Writing Center shared mailbox is monitored daily.

The Director of the Writing Center, Hideki Nakazono, is available via email at hnakazono@usa.edu until 7:00 p.m. Eastern, Monday through Friday, or by phone at (760) 410-5327, ext. 2427. After-hours messages are always welcome.

Live and Asynchronous appointments can be reserved throughout the week (including in the evenings and on weekends).

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