FAQ - LockDown Browser® and Respondus Monitor®

Student Guide for Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor 

What Is Respondus Lockdown Browser? 

  • LockDown Browser is a locked browser for taking tests in Blackboard Learn. It prevents you from printing, copying, going to another URL, or accessing other applications during a test. 
  • Respondus Monitor is a fully automated proctoring system that uses your webcam to record and analyze exam sessions. 
  • If a Blackboard test requires that LockDown Browser/Monitor be used, you will not be able to take the test with a standard web browser. 
  • LockDown Browser should only be used for taking Blackboard tests. It should not be used in other areas of Blackboard. 

Installing Lockdown Browser 

Taking a Test with Lockdown Browser or Respondus Monitor 

  1. Close all programs unless one is used to connect you to the Internet. 
  2. Locate the “LockDown Browser” shortcut on the desktop and double-click it. (For Mac users, launch “LockDown Browser” from the Applications folder.) 
  3. If prompted, either close a blocked program (e.g. screen capture, instant messaging) by choosing Yes. Or, close LockDown Browser and close the blocked program before restarting. 
  4. Log into Blackboard. 
  5. Navigate to the test within the course and select Begin Exam. 
  6. The test will then start. If the exam requires a webcam, continue to step 7. If not, skip to step 10. 
  7. At this point the Startup Sequence for the webcam begins. You will first need to review and agree to the Terms of Use. 
  8. The Webcam Check will confirm that your webcam and microphone are working properly. 
  9. The remaining steps of the Startup Sequence will depend on settings chosen by your instructor. Follow the instructions and note your progress along the left side of the screen. If you encounter a problem, select the It’s not working link for troubleshooting tips. The test will begin after the Startup Sequence is complete. 
  10. You cannot exit LockDown Browser until the quiz is submitted for grading. 

Other best practices when taking an exam: 

  • Resources needed: webcam, clean testing area, quiet environment, a good internet connection 
  • Test internet speed by going to www.speedtest.net and running a speedtest. Look for speeds higher than 15Mbps under upload and download. 
  • If you are using a VPN, it may interfere with your test taking. Turn a VPN off if needed.  
  • Open Respondus prior to an exam to check for software updates. Instruction on how to update the browser can be found here: https://support.respondus.com/hc/en-us/articles/4409607243035-How-to-update-LockDown-Browser
  • Upon exam completion, wait for a few minutes prior to exiting the exam to ensure video upload from Respondus monitor. 

To further ensure a connection: 

  • Plug in with an ethernet cable instead of using Wifi. 
  • Close programs not being used. 
  • Scan the computer for viruses or malware and remove them. 
  • Make sure others in the household are not streaming a movie or using other intensive network programs like some interactive games. 
  • Take a Practice Exam in Blackboard (should be provided by your instructor). 


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