Teams - Explore Apps and Tools

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Apps let you do more in Microsoft Teams. They can show up in several places, depending onwhat they do and how they’ve been built.  

Apps in tabs

Apps can be used in channels or chats.

  1. Select the Select to add an item. plus sign next to the tabs.

  2. Select the type of app you want or Search.

Apps in messages

Select More options  More options button  under the message box, choose an app, and select Add.

Apps as Connectors

Are there certain notifications that are useful to the whole channel? Go to the channel you want, select More options  More options button  > Connectors, and choose an app. Then you’ll be prompted to configure notifications.

All Apps

Looking for all apps? Select Apps  Store button on the left-hand side, and browse for the app available to your organization. Some require subscriptions or signing-in.

Want more?

Five things to know about Apps

Apps and services

Settings and options

Try it!

If everyone in your channel needs quick access to a file, turn it into a tab so it's easy to get to.

  • Select More Options More options button > Make this a tab.

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Microsoft Teams help

Microsoft Teams Quick Start

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Wherever you go in Microsoft Teams, the command box is always there at the top of the screen to help you search, take quick actions, or launch apps.

Use the command box to search

  1. Type what you're looking for in the command box, like a message, person, channel, or file.

  2. Select one of the suggestions from the list.

    Or press Enter to see more results.

Use slash commands to perform tasks

  1. In the command box, type a / to see a list of commands and descriptions.

  2. Choose a command from the list or type it.

    For example, to call someone, type /call, press Tab, and select or type the name of the person you want to call.

    Check out Available commands to see a list of commands or just type / to see the menu in the command box.

Use the @ command

  • Type @[someone's name], press Tab, and then type a message to message someone without moving away from what you're working on.

  • Type @[app name] to launch an app directly from the command box.

Want more?

Use commands in Teams

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