Guide - How to add a file to OneNote

Adding a File to OneNote

Issue/Environment/User Group

A Student, Faculty, or Staff member would like to add a file in the form of an attachment of viewable image to OneNote.


The user is using OneNote for notes, and would like to take notes over a document or have it readily available.


  1. Open OneNote for Windows 10 and go to the page where the file should be added:mceclip0.png
  2. Open the Insert tab and the top left:                                                  mceclip1.png  
  3. Click to open the File option:                        mceclip2.png
  4. Locate the file in the File Explorer you would like inserted in OneNote and click Open to add it.
  5. You will be presented with three options for how to add the file: (1) Upload to OneDrive and insert link – this will create a link to your online OneDrive Dashboard, (2) Insert as attachment – this will create an icon in your OneNote that will be a file saved within the OneNote document, and (3) Insert as printout – this will create an image of the file that can be notated over using other tools in OneNote:                                                                                                 mceclip3.png
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