
I am pleased to announce that based on faculty feedback and requests, we have procured a university-wide license for the full version of Mentimeter! As we forge ahead on this “Keep Teaching” journey together, a top priority is to invest in equipping you with effective tools to deliver exceptional, interactive, and immersive learning experiences for our students.


Mentimeter enables you to create interactive presentations using polls, word clouds, Q&As, and much more. These simple strategies can energize your synchronous sessions to foster engagement and participation in both virtual and face-to-face environments.


**Note that Mentimeter is available to FACULTY, STUDENTS, and STAFF. Anyone with a email account can sign up and use the platform to create unlimited interactive presentations for teaching, learning, meetings, workshops, and other events. Feel free to share this resource with your students or staff. Students can use the platform to create study aids, collaborate with peer groups, and create interactive presentations for multiple purposes.**


Available to all USAHS faculty

To sign up, visit

You must use your email account to join



A Few Tutorials to Get You Started

Be sure to visit the Mentimeter Help Center for more, and refer to the attached quickstart document!  In Spring term, the Institute for Teaching Excellence and Innovation (ITEI) team will be offering online and live workshops on effective ways to use Mentimeter.


Support and Training


While using Mentimeter (which, is web-based), if you encounter any technical difficulties, you can use the chat bubble (right bottom corner) to contact Mentimeter support.


If you are interested in discussing ways that you can incorporate Mentimeter into your teaching, please reach out to


Other questions can be sent to the Faculty Blackboard Dashboard:


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